Are security cameras allowed in bathrooms? Overview
In the US, some states have laws against security cameras in bathrooms. In other states, there are no laws about it. In general, you should ask the owner of a business if you think there could be security cameras in their bathrooms.
If they say yes, then it is probably legal for them to have a camera there.

Since I live in California and I’m going to a business that’s located in California can I sue if a Camera was recording me showering?
You might be able to sue somebody who put a secret video recorder (or “hidden camera”) where you would expect privacy while using the bathroom or changing clothes. But what happens next depends on what state you live in and what your specific facts are.
There is no way to know for sure right now what will happen. To get a better idea, you should talk to a lawyer who has experience with this sort of thing in your state.
In California, the law says that it is illegal to record or capture any type of visual image without permission from everyone who might be recorded.
This means that if someone is in a bathroom or in some other place where they reasonably expect privacy and they discover there’s a secret video recorder there, then there can be legal trouble for the person who put the camera there. A suit could result in an award of money damages (compensation) and sometimes even punitive damages (damages meant to punish someone who did something wrong)
Laws about security cameras in bathrooms are changing rapidly, and what is acceptable now may not be next year. If you keep up with the news, it is easy to see why.
There have been many cases of peeping Toms illegally installing hidden cameras in restrooms to record women undressing or even showering; sometimes these images end up on the Internet.
Some states and districts, such as Massachusetts and California, have changed their laws to prohibit bathrooms from being monitored by cameras that aren’t part of a security system or activity log.
New York City has outlawed hidden cameras in workplaces where people undress – including restrooms – but most states do not restrict these activities yet.

More than anything else, it is up to you to decide if you want to install security cameras in your restroom or bathroom. If you record with video surveillance for home security purposes anyway, then applying those same measures to keep watch over your employees might seem like a no-brainer. But there are pros and cons, so let’s take a look at what they are before making any decisions.
1. Security Camera Pros
If you opt to install security cameras in your business restroom, there are some positive points to consider:
2. Increased Safety
As we saw in the hidden camera cases mentioned above, people can and do enter restrooms for less than honorable reasons. Having a reputable surveillance company monitor the area with cameras will give you an extra line of defense.
3. Theft Prevention
In businesses that sell products that customers use in restrooms – such as toilet tissue or paper towels – it’s highly likely that these items will end up stolen from time to time.
A good video surveillance system not only provides evidence against thieves but can deter them from entering your bathroom altogether if they think there is a chance they’ll be caught on tape! Protects Employees’ Privacy
Since most people are aware that surveillance cameras are monitored, they will be on their best behavior in your bathroom. If not, then you’ll have video proof of what happened to turn it over to the authorities!
4. Security Camera Cons
On the flip side of things, there are several negative points about security cameras in bathrooms:
5. An Invasion of Privacy for Customers
If cameras monitor areas where customers undress or use the restroom – especially if these images can be accessed remotely via a website – some people might feel very uncomfortable coming to your establishment.
This could cause them to take their business elsewhere, so it’s important to do research into whether or not this is legal before initiating any changes at your company. Harshalties for Illegal Recording
Just because you are allowed to install cameras in your bathroom for security reasons, that does not mean others are. Hidden cameras in any part of the restroom is illegal without the permission of everyone involved, and this applies both when images are recorded and viewed remotely. Losses Due to Equipment Failure
Being that these types of equipment are installed in one of your most frequently used areas, there is a greater chance that they will be damaged or break down. This can cause disruptions to employees’ daily routines, so it’s important to have backup plans when this occurs.
For all these reasons listed above, it’s important to consider whether installing security cameras in bathrooms would be beneficial to your business before taking action. If you do choose this route, make sure to work with a reputable surveillance company to ensure everything is up to code and legal.
In short, you should not just install security cameras in your restroom willy-nilly.

You need to have a plan in place for what you’ll do if they break or malfunction and whether the benefits of having them outweigh the risks. If you’re not sure where to start, consider speaking with your local surveillance company about the best security camera plan for your business.