Technology has grown, and people are embracing it because it is making life more comfortable. How to Install Security Cameras at Home?
Security needs are paramount to everybody, and it begins with taking proper security measures like mounting a security camera.
Having a well-erected fence doesn’t keep you out of harm’s way since intruders could work out means to invade your property cause destruction, damages, and stealing. Having security cameras installed in every corner of your place could help you act fast before the intruders gain forceful entry and cause destruction.
The DIY installation gives the homeowner to set up the cameras in strategic places since they have an idea of their home itinerary and all the access points.
It is a much more affordable approach since you don’t have to pay installation fees. Proper surveillance could be a lifesaver since it would help a lot of homeowners get the culprits who may have gained unauthorized entry and committed a crime. Below is a simple guide to help you install a security camera in your home. Check out the best cheap security cameras on Amazon here
Instruction Manual, Tech Support and Warranties

The first step is usually visiting a high-tech electronic store and getting a set of cameras that have an instruction manual.
This will help and guide you to install the cameras if you lack the technical knowledge before you purchase the security cameras to ensure that they have free unlimited tech support to help you solve issues that may arise.
This will help you avoid getting into business deals with companies that are not customer-oriented which might frustrate you later.
Having a warranty is also a huge consideration since you don’t have to work with faulty security camera system components. It also helps you cut down the losses of purchasing new hardware components.
To install and have a fully functional camera security system, you need three crucial pieces of equipment which are: monitor, a set of cameras, and a receiver or DVR.
Security Cameras
Camera devices are vital for the whole surveillance system and coverage. You need a set of cameras to have proper coverage of the entire property both inside and outside.
Check and consider several features to guide you to purchase quality cameras.
Below is a simple guide to help you make up your mind.
Do you need to indoor or outdoor cameras?
If you aim to beef up your outdoor security, you need to get cameras that are built to withstand tough weather when compared to indoor cameras.
Do thorough research or consult a professional to get a heads up on the kind of cameras you need for outdoor security.
What is the number of cameras you need?
These depend on the homeowner’s needs and the intended coverage area. Have a professional inspect your place for you if you don’t have specific requirements to get an ideal estimate of the cameras you need for your property. Ensure you purchase a security system that will allow for the addition of more cameras if the need arises.
Mounting Your Cameras

The next step is mounting your camera and familiarizing yourself with the strategic positions you intend to have the cameras installed.
Clear the area and perform the necessary installation procedures using tools such as a drill, hammer, and screws. You start by placing marks to help you drill the intended positions.
Holding the camera firmly against the wall, screw it, and ensure the wiring is perfectly concealed to avoid vandalism.
Placing the DVR
The DVR is the device why you insert the surveillance hard disk which stores everything that the cameras see.
Any CCTV recording can be retrieved from the DVR. To fit everything in the background, try and conceal it in an enclosed compartment. Remember, all the information you might need for future reference is inside the DVR so extra caution must be taken.
Managing the cables
You need to do perfect work by creating a pathway for the cables to pass through as they connect the DVR to the cameras.
Wire moldings come in handy by sealing the wires to prevent damage and keep them safe.
The wiring is a critical step since you have to lead it also to the monitor from the receiver for viewership.
Depending on the monitoring system, you choose to ensure the wiring and connection is done correctly.
Some cameras connect directly to the monitor while others are designed to use even mobile phones.
Power on the system
Finally, power all the devices starting from the camera then the monitor followed by the DVR. The DVR also needs other settings after the setup, and the user manual will help you do that.
Move to your monitor and perform a quick camera check to see if every camera is functional and well placed to cover the intended area or space.
Crimes are on the rise, and anybody could be a victim taking extra caution is now necessary.
You could have a professional visit to your place and help you get the ideal security camera ideal to meet your needs.
If you have a busy schedule, you could also have them install them for you for a cost. Homeowners who would like to do it themselves could opt for DIY security camera installation. Read how to install a doorbell here.