Lorex Camera Factory Reset

Lorex camera factory reset Overview.

Yes. It’s a good idea to factory reset your camera if it’s been exposed to rain or water for an extended period of time.

How do I factory reset my Lorex camera?

The process is different depending on the model, so we recommend that you refer to the manual for your device. If you cannot find a manual, try searching online for instructions from the manufacturer’s website.

How do I know if my Lorex camera has been exposed to water?

If your camera has been exposed to water, it will either have a white dust substance on the lens, or it will have a white film. If you gently clean the lens and don’t see any signs of residue, then your camera may have been exposed to rain.

Lorex camera factory reset

A Lorex camera is one of the most popular choices on the market today. But if you found yourself struggling with a Lorex camera, sometimes it’s just best to do a factory reset. This is a process that will reset the Lorex camera to its original factory settings so that it can be used again from scratch.

How to do a Lorex camera factory reset?

Resetting a Lorex camera back to factory settings is quite a process. Lorex cameras are usually more complex than your average smartphone since it takes much research and engineering to design the camera. Here are the steps you need to follow;

-Make sure that the camera has a stable connection with the NVR through an ethernet cable. This is important because the camera itself does not have a reset button, and you will need to access it from the NVR.
-Press and hold the Reset button and the Power button, both at the same time. Hold them for 10 seconds, and then release them.
-While still holding the reset button, unplug and then plug the Ethernet cable back in, then release the reset button. What that will do is reset the camera to factory settings.
-From there, you have to do an automatic search for all your cameras. Make sure you have an Ethernet cord for this; plug one end into the NVR, then plug the other end into the camera and set it up accordingly.
-With a camera that has a screen, check the screen to see if it simply asks for a new network name and password.

As you can see, the process of resetting a Lorex camera is not complicated. Make sure you follow the steps closely to have no problems resetting your camera.

How Do I Reset My Lorex DVR Without Password?

How do I reset my Lorex DVR? This article will provide the instructions you need to reset the password on your DVR. Once done, you should have your Lorex DVR up and running again. This article assumes you’ve set the password in the first place. If not, you should check with the manufacturer or vendor. Some models require an additional support contract, which you can check here.

First, turn off the Lorex DVR and find the reset button on the device’s motherboard. Hold the reset button for at least 30 seconds. Then, enter a new password. To change the password, use the Quick Menu. To do this, right-click the camera’s Live View. Once there, select Settings. Scroll down and find Default. In the menu, choose your new password.

Lorex Camera Factory Reset

Now, press and hold the factory reset button on the Lorex DVR. It is usually attached to the back panel by latches and a metal plate. Once you’ve pressed the reset button, you’ll be prompted to set a new password. Be sure to hold it for at least 15 seconds to avoid damaging the hardware inside the DVR. Once the DVR’s screen returns to its default settings, simply press the reset button again. If the process fails, you’ll have to reinstall the system.

If the web interface isn’t available, you can use the local GUI to reset the password. First, you’ll need to connect an HDMI cable to the recorder. Next, connect your mouse to the recorder’s USB port. Then, click on System > Account and then click on User Settings. After you’ve done that, click on Modify and then save your changes.

Lorex Camera Factory Reset tips


In conclusion, the Lorex camera factory reset is a scam. We have accumulated knowledge from many sources to ensure that this article is as objective as possible. We hope you will use our knowledge and share it with your friends. Check out the best security camera deals here.

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